Positive Reinforcement (R+) Training Session


A 45-minute training session using positive reinforcement (R+) techniques. Sessions are a combination of lecture and hands-on training with three different horses. On-farm sessions available throughout the U.S. by prior arrangement. Contact us to inquire.

Schedule Appointment at Hoo Hollow


A 45-minute training session using positive reinforcement (R+) techniques. Sessions are a combination of lecture and hands-on training with two different horses. Lecture covers the principles of animal behavior and the four quadrants of operant conditioning. The hands-on portion of the session includes shaping specific behaviors in horses using operant conditioning with a clicker and food rewards. THE STUDENT will practice using cues, timing of the bridge signal, when and how to use food appropriately, how to avoid common mistakes, and how to work with a horse safely.

R+ is not trick training. Operant conditioning is used for animal husbandry tasks like veterinary visits, hoof care, grooming, handling, trailering, bathing, etc. It is also very effective at helping horses with anxiety, fear, and confusion. As the student becomes skilled in timing and shaping basic behaviors, R+ can then be used for work under saddle, from the most basic skills all the way up through the upper levels of competitive riding in any discipline.

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Hoo Hollow, Your Farm