Shawna Karrasch R+ Clinic


  • January 18-19, 2025
  • March 8-9, 2025
  • Aiken, South Carolina

Learn to utilize positive reinforcement (R+) systematically in your training, both on the ground and under saddle. This is a 2-day clinic, see below for full description.

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Whether you compete over fences, play polo, have your USDF silver medal, or run barrels, a clinic with Shawna Karrasch and Jessie Hillegas will help your horse learn to be confident, relaxed, and improve their understanding of your aids.

AM -> Morning lecture & demo on equine behavior and the science behind R+ training.
PM -> Individual sessions with your horse, using R+. If this is new to you and your horse, you will first teach your horse the value of the bridge signal using a food reward. From there, you will learn how to adjust the type of food used for different situations, how to help your horse control his emotional state, and help him connect your cue/aid to the reward system.

AM -> Individual sessions on specific behaviors you want to focus on. This will build upon what you did with your horse on Day 1.
PM -> Individual sessions continued.

Helena & Buck Harris are your hosts. At their farm you will find:

    • Easy trailer parking.
    • Property with a fully fenced perimeter.
    • Lunch provided both days.
    • Professional and social networking afterwards.
    • Restroom on site.
    • Bring your own chair. 
    • If you do not have a horse to bring, but would like to participate, you can use one of mine for the clinic.  Send email to:
    • Overnight stabling may be available locally. Check AirBnB for equestrian-friendly options in Windsor, South Carolina.


  • Refunds (minus a 5% processing fee) are available until 2/8/25. Substitutions only thereafter.

The use of positive reinforcement for teaching and training equine athletes creates what animal behavior science calls a “positive affective state.” In other words, an optimistic horse. When horses see the world optimistically, they are better able to control their fear and flight responses, making them better students and athletes.

  • Want a better lead change, piaffe, or a more relaxed partner on the trail?
  • Does your horse struggle with the vet, injections, or standing for the farrier?
  • Is the animal on the end of your lead rope quiet or anxious?
  • When asking him to pick up a hoof, does your horse comply quickly or do you have to fight a bit to just to get the basics done?
  • What about over fences? Does your horse tend to over jump, run out, or buck on the back side?

This clinic will get you well started with positive reinforcement techniques that you can use for your horses, your clients’ horses, even your dogs and livestock!