
How to Blow Your Brand

Frustrated woman

Dear Horse Business Owners: Listen up. This is important.

If you have a website for your business, please make sure it works, is current, and that your customers can find what they need within it.

If you frustrate potential customers, you immediately compromise your brand.

If you frustrate your existing customers, you compromise your cash flow.

So, stop whatever it is that you’re doing right now and ask a friend or a client to click through your website. Give him or her a specific task and find out how easy or difficult it was for them to find what they were looking for. Then, take their feedback to your web manager and do something with it. Your website might not always be the squeaky wheel, and that silence can be dangerous to your business.

If you need help, call us. Otherwise, put this at the top of your priority list for this month. Don’t lose another customer to frustration.

For more information:

Web Usability: What is it and Why it’s Important