Behavior Blog

Have a Plan and Be Ready to Trash It

Helena on Siouxsie at Halt
About 90% of the time, the plan I have for Siouxsie on any given day gets trashed in less than 10 minutes in the saddle. That’s cool though, ’cause in the abandoned plan’s place, we work on whatever presents itself that day. It usually turns out pretty well. Today was no different.
What I thought was going to be a simple session of Walk -> Sit -> Post -> Sit -> Walk transitions turned out to be a day of Canter Departs. Who knew?!
Sioux’s head was in the right place for it today, actually. And before we go on adventures off property, I want to make sure I can both ride and rate her canter if it turns into something more racehorse-y.
Anyway, there were a dozen things that we did beautifully today and dozen more that were just wonky. As you can tell from my smile, I enjoyed every single minute of it.  -H