Stall and Stable Podcast

EP 85:An Equine Business Owner Takes a Leap of Faith

White (grey) carriage horse looking directly at camera

I love night check! Night check is like, my thing to do. That’s my time to go into the barn, take a look at everybody, and make sure they all have what they need.

– Heather Schneider, Wind Chase Farm

When Heather Schneider realized that she had been running her horse business in survival mode for longer than she cared to admit, she knew it was time for a change.

From buying a new tractor to hiring a  barn manager, Heather’s carriage driving business in Florida (and her life) have really turned around. In this episode, Helena talks with Heather about what changes she made at Wind Chase Farm, why she made them, and what the outcome has been. Listen in! 

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This episode is brought to you by Lucas Equine Equipment
For more information:

Wind Chase Farm Carriages

About Competitive Combined Driving

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