Stall and Stable Podcast

EP 121: The Right Way to Build a Riding Arena

Horseback riding arena

This is a Stall & Stable Full Board episode, available only to subscribers.

If you recall Helena’s Arena From Hell project, you may remember that she put a 140′ x 80′ sand ring in at Hoo Hollow back in 2021. While the arena is just about perfect today, it took a lot of tears, sweat, and money to get it that way. The hardest part about that whole debacle, however, was that it didn’t have to be so horrible. If only Dickie Osborne was in the picture back then, sharing the inside scoop on how to build a sand arena the right way. This is gonna be one of those key episodes for farm owners, so listen in!

This is episode is made possible in part by: AMERICAN STALLS and BarnPros.

For More Information:

Osborne & Sons, Premier Arenas

The Arena From Hell Episode

US Dressage Federation Fooding Guidelines

Wondering whether or not you can afford to put in an arena? Get a copy of the Stall and Stable Financial Planner to help you figure that out!