Working on evolutionary biology and psychology, and I came across a paper on the evolutionary context of what we now call “ADHD”. In my graduate course on Animals & Society, …
Training the Horse as a Student-Athlete
It is becoming increasingly clear that horse training works best when broken down into specialty segments: Life skills (like basic husbandry and handling), psychological skills like emotional regulation, intellectual skills, …
The Best Laid Plans
… require flexibility and understanding. I had plans to drive Siouxsie to a nearby farm for a meet & greet-style outing. The objective is to introduce her to a new …
Learning to Long-line
Long-lining has been on my To Do list for a long time, but to be honest, I have been afraid to do it because it just looks so intimidating and professional horse trainer-ish.
Have a Plan and Be Ready to Trash It
About 90% of the time, the plan I have for Siouxsie on any given day gets trashed in less than 10 minutes in the saddle. That’s cool though, ’cause in …