Business Coaching Package for Equine Professionals


8-Session, Business Coaching Package

Whether you are starting a new business or need help changing direction with your existing business, a professional advisor can be the difference between success and failure. The top competitors in equestrian sports have speciality coaches to help give them a competitive advantage; you deserve a business coach who knows horses, who understands how the myriad business models in the horse industry work, and who can help you start, grow, or get the financing you need to succeed.

This Business Coaching Package includes one-on-one, customized coaching for your specific goals. It includes:

  • Eight, 1-hour sessions with Business Advisor, Buck Harris 
  • Custom worksheets and PDF guides
  • Business model development
  • Business Plan review
  • Income and revenue projections
  • Assistance applying for business loans


Whether you are starting a new business or need help changing direction with your existing business, a professional advisor can be the difference between success and failure. The top competitors in equestrian sports have speciality coaches to help give them a competitive advantage; you deserve a business coach who knows the horse industry, who understands how the myriad business models in our industry work, and can help you prepare to start, grow, or get the financing you need to succeed.

It doesn’t all happen in one lesson.

This Business Coaching Package includes one-on-one, customized coaching for your specific goals. It includes four (4) sessions with Stall and Stable Business Advisor, Buck Harris.

Buck spent 16 years as a lending and finance specialist for the US Small Business Administration, was a small business owner himself before that, and just recently joined the faculty at the University of South Carolina’s School of Business in Aiken. Buck owns, rides, and keeps horses at his farm in Aiken. He has two daughters who grew up riding, and who are now equestrian professionals. He has helped many business owners get the financing they need to buy a farm, build an indoor, upgrade tractors, add new diagnostic equipment their veterinary practices, pay for a barn manager, and replace old arena footing.

Not sure you want the whole package? Schedule a free discovery call to see how we can help you.

Schedule Discovery Call